
St Mary's RC Primary School

Live, Learn, Love.

The Year of St. Joseph

Pope Francis has proclaimed this year ‘The Year of Joseph’ (8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021). 


‘Saint Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation.’ Pope Francis (8th December 2020)


Celebrating the life of St Joseph, and calling on him for help, is particularly relevant in this time of universal turmoil when so many are having difficulty finding employment, when we are becoming more aware of how much we owe to so many ordinary, hardworking people, and when our human frailty and mortality are so much in our minds and in the news.


Through the Year of St Joseph, the Church is reminding us that we have a powerful ally in Heaven who, having lived and worked so long in the shadows like so many unsung heroes, is working tirelessly for us and with us in the here and now.

St. Joseph's Poetry Competition



